Edited by: Riccardo Del Fabbro riccardodelfabbro@gmail.com
Where: ?
“Among other public buildings in a certain town, which for many
reasons it will be prudent to refrain from mentioning, and to which I
will assign no fictitious name, there is one anciently common to most
towns, great or small: to wit, a workhouse;“… *
Well this is another story, the story of the “famous” Oliver Twist,
and I don’t want to talk about this.
Reading the first few lines I start to wonder about a possible idea
for the so called “Silent architecture” category.
It is not a reportage.
It is not a research.
It is not a critique on architecture.
Well, it’s just a top five.
Of course is not a top five about workhouses.
From Charles Dickens I’ ll just take the format, it will not be a
series of chapters, just a countdown, from number 5 to number 1,
The category of this countdown will be called, once again with no deep
reasons, “a terrible beauty is born”.
And it will talk about the 5 most awful, tremendous, disgusting
buildings of this city, once again, “which for many reasons it will be
prudent to refrain from mentioning…” *
Next week: number 5.
* Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist; or, the Parish Boy’s Progress, February 1837-April 1839, Bentley’s Miscellany, London