“All kids should dream” is not just a statement, but also the title of the movie directed by the famous Thai actor Ananda Everingham featuring the story of Mekfah.
Mekfah lives In the city of Bangkok, in the deep suburbs. He’s a young kid which is helping his father at work while he’s not studying. His dream is very common at his age, but is also a special one: become a football player.
Sometimes dreams are dreams, but for some of us they become real at least once. Thanks to Liverpool Football Club together with The Global Goals Founding and the Liverpool main sponsor Standard Chartered, Mekfah was able to dream with his eyes open.
At the United Nation Headquarters in New York City last week was launched the new Global Goals Campaign by the filmmaker Richard Curtis and Amina Mohammed, the Secretary-General’s Special Adviser.
The campaign is focusing on reaching at least 7 billion people in 7 days after the Global Goals are officially adopted by all the 193 nations at the UN General Assembly that took place the 25th of September. You can see more at the Youtube Channel of this project.
Jordan Henderson, Liverpool FC midfielder said:
“Mekfah is a great kid and his passion is clearly football. As we stood waiting to go on to the pitch in Kuala Lumpur I could tell how excited he was to be there. It was an honour to share that experience with Mekfah and with the help of the Global Goals, more kids around the world will be able to pursue their passion.”
The Director, Ananda Everingham commented:
“I feel very passionately about this film. Meeting Mekfah took me on an unexpected journey and has probably changed my outlook on life. These Global Goals are important because they represent a plan. A plan that, if met by all world leaders, will ensure everyone – whoever they are and wherever they’re from – can lead better lives unhindered by the shackles of poverty.”

Next week on saturday 26th of september, The Liverpool FC, 5 times Champion’s League winner is going to play against Aston Villa and the Standard Chartered Logo on their shirt will be replaced by the Global Goals logo. This is a statement to help the others and to help kids like Mekfah to turn their dreams into reality.
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This post has been presented by UN Global Goals, but all thoughts and opinions are our own.