Edited by: Enrico Mancini enrico.mancini@positive-magazine.com
Where: Oberhausen, Germany
Sculpture: Christo
Proofreading: Bianca Baroni
On March the 16th you will be able to visit the insides of the largest indoor sculpture ever made.
“Big Air Package”: it’s 90-meter-tall, 50-meter-wide, made of 20,350 square meters of semitransparent polyester fabric and 4,500 meters of rope, with a total weight of 5.3 tons and a volume of 177,000 cubic meters. And it’s completely white.
This inflatable installation is inside a 117-meter-high former gasometer in Oberhausen, Germany, and it’s the first major installation of the internationally known artist Christo after the passing of his wife and artistic partner Jeanne-Claude four years ago.
“The “Big Air Package” nearly spans the distance from wall to wall of the Gasomter, leaving only a small passage to walk around the sculpture. Two air fans creating a constant pressure of 27 pascal keep the package upright. Airlocks allow visitors to enter the package. Illuminated through the skylights of the Gasometer and 60 additional projectors, the work of art creates a diffuse light throughout the interior. Inside the sculpture, an extraordinary experience of shape, space and light is provided.”
“The inner space is probably the most unique aspect of all the Air Packages that we did since 1966. When experienced from the inside, that space is almost like a 90-meter-high cathedral.” The 77-year-old artist describes his latest work of art like a spiritual experience.
You have time until December 2013 to try to find your god into a cathedral built by no less than Christo himself.