Photos by Ludmilla Cerveny
Ludmilla is a 22 years old student of architecture in Nancy (France). She started photography when she was 15, so that she already has the time to go through differents steps. She started to be more serious about her demarche last year, working on projects, going to a photography philosophy and triing to analyze people’s way to be.
In that way, photography is for her a medium to approach human psychology and to elaborate frank and raw narratives. She currently works also about web relations that go to real relations, friendship or love. She sometimes works on “huis clos” (that mean that you spend a long consecutive time with a person, in a particular space) living with the person and taking pictures of what they are living. In that selection, you can see some of those pictures which show her lover, met by Internet in 2006 (the naked blond boy), Benjamin (the brown boy) met by Myspace in 2007, Marguerite (the blond girl) met by Internet in 2010, Tony (wall-eyed guy) and Alice (the red-haired girl), bloggers friends met in 2009.
There is also a part of her series called “Faces/Landcapes” where she associate one face with one landscape, not trying to make analogy but trying to let the two pictures talk to each other.