“Exploring Surroundings” is a group show by participants of Fotosynthesis Community Project. The exhibition brings together the work of novice photographers, lone parents and young people from all over London and diverse ethnic backgrounds. All participants have, over the last few months, discovered their love of photography, whilst engaging deeper into the discipline.
Exploring Surroundings tries to push the limits of photography and showcases different ways of investigating the medium. Through their work, participants explore the language of photography, in studio as well as in the street, both digital and dark room, with a particular focus on alternative processes, such as camera-less cyanotype, photograms and pinhole made with recycling paper. This project is the result of a close collaboration between students and professional photographers, who encouraged them to think critically and responsibly about the images and their messages.
Fotosynthesis is a project that runs photography workshops for community groups that aim at keeping traditional photography alive.
It is based at the Lilian Baylis Community Hub in Kennington, South London, where an abandoned darkroom and studio space has been refurbished. Fotosynthesis believes in the social utility of art and offers a supportive and inclusive environment where participants can develop their potential, build confidence and discuss ideas in a stimulating and participatory way. It is a space where everyone is welcome to explore their creativity, engage with a variety of people and use photography to fight against stereotypes.
A group exhibition of photographic works by participants from Fotosynthesis Community Project.
Saturday 25th June 2011 5-11pm
Red Gate Gallery
209a Coldharbour Lane
London SW9 8RU
Call: 020 72746097