Yesterday our interview was with Goran Petkovski a photographer from Macedonia but emigrated in Canada. This time we interviewed Mehran Djojan. He was born in Kabul, but he emigrated and raised in Germany. He’s 20 years old and he started early to focus on photography. His work is characterized by dreamy and imaginative scenes.
When did you start to think about photography?
I started when I was thirteen years old and got my first camera.

What does photography mean to you? and which kind of photography do you like more?
Photography means everything to me. It gives me the opportunity to create my own, tiny worlds and to visualize my daydreams, even if its just in a picture. I love every kind of photography but I have a special aim for portrait photography.
When you take a portrait, what is important for you?
The most important thing for me is it to arrange everything harmonious and to create a comfortable surrounding.
Do you think it’s important to follow a school to learn how to shoot?
Not really. In my opinion, all you need to get good photographs is to be creative and having fun while doing what you do. The rest is merely a matter of time .

What’s the photo you want to take and you never did?
I have so many ideas I can’t put into practice. For example if I don`t have the appropriate requisite available or the lack of proper locations.
What’s your photo-mission?
It just makes me happy when I`m able to breed a creation wich can be interpreted in thousands of ways, based on the subjective views of every single beholder.