Interview with the french photographer Justino Esteves
Can you tell something about you?
Im Justino, 26years old, i’m french living in London.
How and when did you start to take photos?
I started really young, travelled and decided 3 years ago to make this passion my job. So i’ve assisted two amazing fashion photographers and made my first fashion photos.
What does it mean for you “fashion”?
I didn’t know anything about fashion, since i started to photograph it i got too addicted, it means lot of things, i can see from different designers craziness or luxury. mine is btw them. i love to see and wear it.
What do you think about streetphotography?
I also do a lot of pictures of the street, while im traveling, this is a good way for beginners to learn the lights.
Can you suggest to the others photographers that wanted to start with fashion photography some tips?
I dont have any tips to give, i think you have to be sociable, go out a lot, and practice.
Do you think that with fashion a photographer can still work with film or digital photography it’s becoming a must?
Some people still work with films, but its not for the quality, more for the look,for fun. Digital is cheaper when you have to do a lot of retouch.
I saw you worked on photos backstage. Can you describe the situation behind the stage?
Yeah this is amazing, you’re only a watcher, you chase moments, they’re all panicked, stressed, and you enjoy meeting them, the time you share is between you and the models who always smile and pose to your camera, the team are too busy to make to the show an unforgettable spectacular show . Its a real pleasure to live.
You have done an autoportrait editorial. Witch idea of yourself we can keep on your selfphotos?
errr, morning light makes you happy, this one woke me up and made me sing, i wanted to express it like this. I think you could keep from me all the happiness.
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