Positive Magazine is introducing the video about the article “Milan Underground” edited by Riccardo Ceccato and published on our magazine. The video, shot by Gianluca Miotto is a teaser about Riccardo’s latest project “Milano Sottoterra”, an investigation between lights, people and shadows.
He’s a Video Maker based in Milan. He started as film maker documenting the skateboard scene in Treviso.
In 2009 he worked at Fabrica, the international research center of communication of Benetton, exploring different possibilities of video making: commercials, short documentaries and experimental videos.
He attended a Media and Communication course in Milano and he started working as an assistant director, video editor and camera operator for several advertising production companies.
He graduated in 2013 with a thesis on the potential of interactive installations in advertising.
MILANOSOTTOTERRA from Gianluca Miotto on Vimeo.