edited by tobia piatto (tobia.piatto@positive-magazine.com)
photographs by Alexandre Chamelat
Alexandre Chamelat was born in 1990, Paris, France, but he has always lived in Toulouse where he has studied computer science for the firsts 3 years and the 4th in Montréal, Québec, Canada.
When he has been back to France on August 2012 , Alexandre has started to study photography in a private school (ETPA).
He could describe his work with several words like simple, minimalist, neat and precise.
Here are some words about the explenation by Alexandre:
“I’ve always been fascinated by perspective and architecture. This project is an architecture project. I tried to adopt an original point of view with a central vanishing point. Each photograph is an addition of 3 photos. This technic offers a large angle of view on each side of the image.”