Santi Palacios works as freelance photographer since 2006, contributing to news agencies, mass media, production companies and non-governmental organizations. He is specialized in journalism and documentary work, focused on human ecology and social conflicts. He is currently working for an International news agency in Bolivia.
From Vega Baja, in south eastern Spain, to the Central Market of Munich, Cesar started his usual route on Monday. He transported a load of 24 tons of oranges and lemons in a journey that usually lasts six days between going and return.
When he came back to his home in Alicante he had been through 12 days, 6000 km, accidents, unexpected encounters, an infinite waiting and a creeping route among polygons and markets of Alacant, Barcelona, La Jonquiere, Munich, Frankfurt, Paris, Lille and Marseille.
Nor laws, neither companies, not even the current economical situation help in any way. Meanwhile, the driver continues living and working on route.