Photobloggers – A selection of.

This is a selection of photoblogger that shared their links inside our POSI+TIVE Group on Flickr. I want to say thanks to our readers and our flickr members for your support! We are showing here something that can be interesting: not the photographers website but their blog that sometimes are showing different things in comparison with their official websites.

Some of the following authors are really good photographers, reporter, documentarists, students, workers in general: we don’t pretend from them amazing stuff but a little view on their photoblog.

Have a look and if you want you can post your comment.

Giacomo Cosua


“Onesix.oneseven is a collaborative blog run by Grace and Rob, they are two young photographers from the UK in love with blogging. Mostly because they don’t have much else to do. The blog is relatively new, as are Rob and Grace to photography. They post predominantly their own work, but also want feature work by other young photographers as the blog grows. The blog is there as a space to get their work seen and for Rob and Grace to one day meet all the other awesome young photographers that are on the internet.

Simon Berard

“Simon Berard is a photographer, musician, bicycle rider, and nature lover. From France”

Ruzanna Zurabyan
by rz2

Ruzanna Zurabyan was born in Armenia in 1986. All her life she live in Russia. She started to take photos 8 years ago. She loves all things about photography and doing photos with love.

Kim Koster

Kim Koster (1988) is a fashion, portrait and autonomous photographer who is currently based in the Netherlands. Her work has a fine balance between fashion and autonomous photography and she is known for her dreamy, romantic and otherworldly style.

Artur Sikora

“Artur Sikora is a Polish born photographer and architect living in Dublin. He is fascinated by black and white analogue photography being his main form of expression. According to him the world recorded on black and white negative is the most realistic. Artur focuses mainly on street photography, architecture and environmental portraiture.”

Can Sever

Can Sever was born in Istanbul,Turkey in 1989. He’s studying Italian Literature at University. He attended photography course at IMA. For now he is developing his portfolio and contributing to some independent magazines.

Andrés Medina

Andrés Medina was born in Madrid in 1978. He works as art director at an advertising agency in Madrid, Spain. He graduated at HND Multimedia and Design and specialized in graphic arts. He has several medium format and 35mm cameras and an enlarger.

Giulia Maffioli

Giulia Hepburn, 23 anni, studia presso l’Accademia di belle Arti di Cuneo. Fotografa da 3 anni, partendo dal disegno in particolare il fumetto.

Jameson Kergozou

Jameson Kergozou (1986, Bristol) is an English documentary photographer, He has just graduated from the Art’s University College at Bournemouth where he was studying commercial photography. His work follows many themes covering everyday life to world issues his work always possesses a stillness and sensitivity to his subjects. Currently Jameson is working on a long term project and undertaking commissions.

J A Mortram
Jimmy and his dog (Rosie) are best friends. Jimmy was involved in a hit and run a few weeks ago, the car drove away and left him with 2 broken legs. When he returned home after a fortnight in the hospital his windows had been smashed by vandals in his absence.

J A Mortram is a photographer working in the UK. Future projects for J A Mortram include a long term portrait and documentary collaboration with the YMCA and continued social documentary portraits.

dream is a horse1

Yvonette.Z is a 21-year-old girl from China, now she is still learning print-making at school. Usually, in addition to painting, she likes photography. And, beginning in 2007 she founded an independent magazine and is still continuing.

Mark Regester

Mark Regester was born in Montrose, Scotland, raised in Santa Barbara, California and now resides in St. Louis, Missouri with his beautiful wife and two lovely children.

Barbara Nowak

Barbara Nowak was born in Krakow in 1987 and for now lives in UK. She studies languages and spent a year in Venice, Italy, studying cinema, photography and art. She started taking pictures to cope with overwhelming raptures and mesmerising beauty of the world around her. Working as a literature translator and journalist, she must admit that some things cannot be described with words.


Yufrukt (Yuliya) is a young artist from Ukraine currently based in the Netherlands.
She’s exploring fine arts photography and is fascinated by photo diaries.

brancolina, bended connection1

Viviana Levrino

Viviana Levrino nasce a Torino nel 1980.
A sette anni riceve in regalo la sua prima macchina fotografica a forma di panda, con cui può fotografare il mare. Da allora non abbandona più l’analogico. Da qualche anno si dedica seriamente alla fotografia, circondandosi di 35mm, 120mm e istant film, alternando il bianco/nero alle luci e ai colori della sua Holga.

Fredrik Holmér

“Give a man a camera, and he’ll take pictures. Give a man a Nikon D90, a Smena 8M, a Holga 120S, a Zenit 12XP and a Ricoh AF-35 and he will take a hell of a lot of pictures”. Just as a child exploring new color-crayons in kindergarden, Fredrik Holmér found an instant passion for different kinds of cameras and various kind of objects. Inspired by amateur 70’s photographing in general Fredrik often play with the idea of the “lucky shot”. He’s eager to find the recipe for a perfect pictures taken by “luck”. A picture/motive that makes you go, “Wow, this ugly pic is really fucking beautiful!”. Even though Fredrik is a novice in the area of photography, he’s been much appreciated on blogs all over the world wide web. And you can be sure you’re going to see whole lot more in the near future!

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