The Beauty of Estonia

Silence or just a whisper, a modest discretion surfaces from these photographs. In this series, Julia Genet underlines the subtle beauty of Estonia. Ordinary subjects such as a chair, a bare tree, a bench… just as many pictures one would like to be eternal. Driven by the imperative need for harmony and isolation, the French photographer escaped the oppressing atmosphere of Paris for a journey on the way of soft poetry.
[dropcap]S[/dropcap]lowly, she unveils Estonia, a country that has come to terms with its powerful and sublime nature.
This is the second visit of the photographer who was seduced by this territory of Northern Europe with a heavy history of successive occupations until its recent independence after World War I.

This small country on the shores of the Baltic sea, composed of 1400 lakes and half covered with woods and forests, is highly concerned with its environment.
On the photographs, the scattered population merges into the stillness of the landscapes or has left already.
Here one can wander for hours on the roads, the paths, along the massive pine trees, and come across nobody or just a silhouette in the distance.

With lights from the Northern lands, cloudy skies, soft contrasts, the photographs are tinted with pink or golden yellow – like a painter’s palette. Muted Estonia or a landscape of stifled sounds – the title also brings back the history of the people, subjected to others for centuries, who defined their identity slowly.
This soothing series allows one to linger on the details, the sensations, in stark contrast with the frenetic rhythm of life in big European cities which have lost all notion of space and silence.

These suspended moments, captured with delicacy, act like a breath of fresh air on the ultra- connected urban citizens that we are.

About the author:
Beginning her photographic career through Instagram, Julia Genet has been guest curator on numerous ‘takeovers’ including TjejLand or Open Doors Gallery and making the Of The Afternoon list of “who you should be following” in 2014. Following her studies in film, Julia now focuses on her career as a photographer. Currently based in Paris, her work represents subtle intimacy, poetic and at times a timeless depiction of her surroundings.

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